

  Cannabidiol, also known as CBD, is a popular cannabinoid mainly due to it not having any psychoactive effects on users which makes it the ideal compound for clinical studies. CBD offers a lot of benefits to the body such as its anti-inflammatory properties, pain relief, anti-oxidant, and so on. With all these in mind, it’s no surprise that many have begun using CBD products from an online dispensary as a way to combat signs of aging. But is there any truth to that claim? Below are a couple of reasons why CBD can be a good anti-aging product. ANTI-INFLAMMATORY Inflammation happens as a protective response in times when the body is injured. There are two types of inflammation, chronic and acute. An injury, infection, or illness results in acute inflammation. Our immune system releases immune cells into the injured area in order to protect it, which causes swelling and redness. Chronic inflammation means a prolonged inflammatory response that occurs in the body. When inflammatio...

The Future Of Anti Aging | Stem Cells In Skin Care

What The Hell Is A Stem Cell? My first thought exactly. Sounds cool, maybe something a little James Bond-ish, and if it’s that count me in. I need to know nothing more. But in all honesty, are stem cells in skin care just hype? Or do they actually help with firming and fighting free radicals as they say? Let’s dive in. When researching this, I was really interested in not only where stem cells fit into the skin care lineup, but also how they were being portrayed as helpful and if they could…actually help with anti aging and fine lines.  Stem Cell Cosmetics Scientific Discovery A stem cell is a cell that helps a plant regenerate new cells after injury, so by in large you would find interest in putting these little guys into a cosmetic anti aging cream and see if we could get the same result for our skin. The antioxidant elements of the plants or fruit stem cells do transfer to the skin and reduce inflammation and provide super fruit vitamin C support but the regenerative effect o...

8 Natural Tips for Healthier Skin for Men

Men taking care of their skin is just as important as getting to the gym, eating right, and getting plenty of sleep each night. Although the beauty industry spends millions on advertising to market numerous skin care products to women, the fact is that we all have skin and we all need to take care of it, even if you have an XY chromosome. Composed of three layers known as the hypodermis, dermis, and epidermis, our skin plays numerous roles in the health of our body.  First and foremost it acts as a protective barrier to the outside world, protecting us from mechanical impact and pressure, temperature changes, micro-organisms, radiation, and chemicals. It also acts as a potent regulator, helping the body moderate changes in temperature through sweat as well as with the synthesis of vitamin D. Finally, our skin is the master of sensation, with an extensive network of nerve cells that detect and relay changes in our environments. With so many important functions it is c...